• +1 815 970 2145
  • Laurie@LaurieDougherty.com
  • Alva, FL

Author: admin

Gondola Ride

I’m always searching for what to paint. I like to “stretch my skills” and try and paint whatever I want, even if it is beyond my experience. My friend recently was going on a trip and I asked her to send me a picture to try and paint. Here are the results. I could almost feel myself in this boat. I started with her picture and drew it out with a micron pen on watercolor paper. First wash was light colors and subsequently added darker layers each time. I find when I slow down and go with several layers of light wash the painting comes out better. There are probably at least 4 layers of wash on the water. When I try and “rush” and use a thicker paint to get darker color, it doesn’t look as nice (to me). Could you imagine living where you go most everywhere by boat?

Renee Lammers – Gouache Artist

Always looking to improve my skills, I signed up for a gouache class at the EDISON FORD Gardens. I had no idea that I would be meeting and becoming friends with such an accomplished professional artist. Renee Lammers is a wonderful teacher and incredible artist. Her specialty is painting on copper. Check out her website at ReneeLammers.com.

Our class was just a few hours in a beautiful outdoor pavilion at the Gardens. The day was perfect. It was a very small intimate class with lots of individual attention. The bonus is that we all received a new gouache set of our own. Gouache is like watercolor because it washes with water but covers like acrylic. You can paint gouache over gouache when its dry or blend it while damp.

I look forward to painting again with the classmates and Renee.

Rocky – the adorable beagle

Rocky was our good friends life long pet. He was a rescue and such an adorable beagle. You could not help but to love Rocky. His personality matched his appearance. He was painted on arches 300 lb cold press paper with professional watercolor paints. Of course my favorite brush is a #10 Escoda Perla Z which I seem to use for everything. His fur was done with a Windsor and Newton Series 150 bamboo short handle round #6. Rest in peace Rocky.

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