• +1 815 970 2145
  • Laurie@LaurieDougherty.com
  • Alva, FL

Gondola Ride

I’m always searching for what to paint. I like to “stretch my skills” and try and paint whatever I want, even if it is beyond my experience. My friend recently was going on a trip and I asked her to send me a picture to try and paint. Here are the results. I could almost feel myself in this boat. I started with her picture and drew it out with a micron pen on watercolor paper. First wash was light colors and subsequently added darker layers each time. I find when I slow down and go with several layers of light wash the painting comes out better. There are probably at least 4 layers of wash on the water. When I try and “rush” and use a thicker paint to get darker color, it doesn’t look as nice (to me). Could you imagine living where you go most everywhere by boat?

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